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Valerie Haynes

     Valerie Ann Larson Haynes is an author and the Founding Editor of Illume Writers & Artists.
     Valerie comes from a family of artists and has a lifelong interest in the arts. She studied political science at the University of Connecticut and began her career as an officer in the U. S. Marine Corps, then as a civilian, was a professional staff member of the U. S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee. She later became an independent writer, editor, and publisher in the arts and sciences.
     Having a lifelong interest in helping people to manifest their visions, Valerie has been active in numerous groups to help people publish, perform, and display their works. In Creative Provinces--A New World of Enchanting and Empowered Communities, Valerie combines her political and creative-organization ideas to form a new structure for intentional communities, based on private property.
"Creative Provinces is built around an extraordinarily creative idea, and Haynes delivers a wealth of innovative examples that will enthrall her audience."
BookLife Prize Review

Creative Provinces--A New World of Enchanting and Empowered Communities
By Valerie Ann Larson Haynes

We can literally create a world... where Camelot, the Roman Empire, the Wild West, Shangri-la, the Tribal Nations, Victorian England, Pharaonic Egypt, Middle Earth, the Vikings, Rustic Hawaii, the Garden of Eden, Space Cities, and Santa’s North Pole... all really exist.


We are not talking theme park. We mean Really Exist.


Creative Provinces presents an inspirational structure for creating the most enchanting communities you can imagine--a unique culture, travelway, industry, or environment--by a community of people powerfully organized as a group of private properties. And it gives hundreds of ideas, examples, and illustrations to inspire the reader to create "Communities as Art."




Doctor Goldbunny, A Modern Fable,
By Valerie Haynes
               For middle grade readers to adult

Enter the world of Doctor Goldbunny, the story of the animal who becomes...

The Doctor of the Earth


The adventure begins in Book One...


Leopard Goldbunny...One of a group of animals now able to speak English, knows the ancient arts of natural healing, and is the first animal to go to medical school...

...But due to secretive forces operating against animals and natural medicine, he is stopped in his tracks. 

Flora...a girl with an "Incurable" disease... taken by Leopard on a search for a lost medicinal herb. 

General Undowar, the world's leading military strategist...

...flies them to the rumbling, volcanic Mt. Ararat in his experimental jet. 

The 100 Adopted Bunnies... Leopard and Flora uncover the lost Ark on Mt. Ararat

Joshua...a boy who wants to save the Arctic animals...

...which are threatened with extinction from a massive corporate hunt, teams up with Dr. Goldbunny, Flora and the animals who have arrived in the Arctic in the Ark.


Lifestar Cover.JPG
Coming soon...
Book Two of the Doctor Goldbunny trilogy... 
...This Means War!


Doctor Goldbunny discovers a great disease afflicting the Earth, and the Cat, Rat , and Insects discover a plot to kill General Undowar...


...But before Doctor Goldbunny can find a  cure to the great disease... it kills him.










And Book Three... 

The Lifestar 

Can the animals of Earth bring Doctor Goldbunny back to life with the Sacred Dance...


...and will he be able to heal the Earth?



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